Our partners
lüke müll GmbH
Since 1998 an experienced team of certified accountants and tax accountants delivering consulting and services for medium sized companies as well as for wealthy individuals. Quoted corporations, growth-oriented technology companies as well as innovative service companies find the right partner with our company. We trustfully support individuals and entrepreneurs with regards to their financials. Amongst others, our service portfolio comprises structured finance, asset management as well as succession planning.
E+H is an independent insurance agency, supporting clients in industry and trade business with tailor-made insurance solutions for more than 25 years on a national as well as international basis. Our agency is part of the international networks UnisonBrokers and HWI and therefore able to consult clients worldwide. Amongst others, our portfolio comprises insurance solutions, comprehensive claim settlement and risk management. Managed by its owners, our more than 50 employees stand for quality, seriousness and reliability.
LLK Treuhand AG, your experts for trust and taxes. Our portfolio comprises all services in the area of accounting, taxes and asset management as well as consulting services. We offer an effective mix of grown experience, current know-how and high personal engagement.