Our Philosophy
Openness for unconventional solutions, personal engagement of every single person, reliability and taking-over responsibility are the basis for profitable growth and for the competitiveness of companies.
Entrepreneurial Thinking & Acting
Based on entrepreneurial thinking and acting we bring acquired organizations back to profitable growth. Only a long-term competitive organization is able to secure existing jobs and to create new jobs.
The acquisition of distressed companies and companies in special situations goes along with great responsibility e.g. for employees of the acquired company. We are fully aware of this responsibility.
As far as possible we consider the interests of all of our stakeholders. Applying our proven risk management system we try to recognize potential negative developments at an early stage so that we are able to react properly and at the right time.
Systemic View of Organizations
When reorganizing companies we always consider the company as a whole. A systemic view helps us to find an optimal overall solution and to avoid suboptimal partial solutions. This secures the competitiveness and in the end the long-term survival of the acquired company
Teamwork & Readiness to Perform
For us, teamwork is not only a platitude. We really live it. The employees of our affiliated companies are also an integral part of our team. Teamwork and networking is an essential requirement to find creative and constructive solutions for the daily challenges of our operational business . It supports our creativity, contributes to motivation and has positive impact on the ability to innovate.
We deliver high performance to manage the daily entrepreneurial challenges as good as possible. Together with our affiliated companies we also try to achieve demanding goals. That is why readiness for action, result-orientation, integrity and the continuous training and education of all of our employees are essential for long-term success.